lunes, 23 de febrero de 2015

Go deeply in the contents.

Last Tuesday the groups “the differents”, “rigatonis angels” and my group did the presentation about cooperative learning. In this lesson I have understood the reason of doing the same presentation in different groups. The first day, all my mates did the explanation about the main topic, but in this class what we did is some added explanations. We went deeply in some topics that they didn’t explained. At final, all our works are going to sum and to summarize all the contents to get a more explicit and deep knownledge. 
Some of this topics were 
The rules. In a cooperative classthe teacher has to be sure that all the students have understood the rules before start the workthe students have to respect each other and they have to have their commitments in mind. 
The philosophy in the cooperative learning. In this classall the students have the same importance than othersall of them have to be respected by others and all the activities have to include every student in the class, so the philosophy is a kind of inclusive and open mind. 
In almost all the groups we have include in our presentations the web questthis is a good material that is very useful in a classThe teacher give the students a web in with they are going to find the taskthe steps that they have to followthe pages on internet that they need to look up in and the guide of the evaluation that they are going to follow to make their evaluation and the one that the teacher is going to use.  
All the groups explained the jigsaw technique of cooperative learning class. It consist on dividing the class in different groups, each member has differents topics and they invest on them. Then they go to another group in which all the members has the same topic and they share their ideas about it. once they have complete their information they come back to the first group and they share all the ideas and they get a complete work. In my group we have find an example in which is mixed this technique with the peer tutoring one, this technique we have used it in the last semester in this same topic.

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