viernes, 27 de febrero de 2015

In this essay , I am going to write some points good and bad. This gropu is called Role Kids.
First of all, they talked about cooperative learning.

 I knew that in Peer Tutoring everyone changes roles. When someone is teacher , the next time is pupils. So everyone learns, it doesn`t matter the level. Moreover, classroom distribution is diagonal and horizontal to see each person.

Furtheremore, they didn`t speak fluently English. The didn´t say anything about personal commitment. So , they didn`t put to team organitation.

To sum up, they used a lot of examples and the best example was webquest. It had introduction, task, process, evaluation and the conclusión. 
Second day of expositions. This days exposed The Differents and La Banda del patio . In this essay, I can write some information.

First of all, The Differents didn`t know the difference between disadvantages and advantages. So everyone have to speak english more fluently.

Moreover, I knew that team bases only have a msxime of 5 people. The groups looked a lot of information in different ways, they put some examples and images, ine example what all class used is wbquest. It is very easy to use and it is comfortable where children learn and join.
Furtheremore, jiwsaw is a technique. Teacher does team base between 4-5 person. Teacher gives us subtopic. Each group is experted to one subtopic. Finally, everyone come back to first group and each child explained what have known.

To conclude, in the class of cooperative learning has a rules. These rules are : contribute, devote to the task ,help each other ,encourage each other, share, solve problems, give and accept feedback from parents.

martes, 24 de febrero de 2015

The final result of the cooperative learning.

In the two last presentations, the groups made a different explanation. Despite the rest of the groups show everything about the cooperative learning guide, in this groups we also learned some things. In the presentation of the “futupasta” team, we realized that the teams-games tournament was really competitive and this is not characteristic of the cooperative learning. This game could be changed to fill in this context if instead of giving points, all the children could be rewarded if they learned. With this practice, all the children have motivation.

We also talked about TAI (team assisted individualization) in this technique of cooperative learning, we mixed the individual work with the help of a group. Each member has their own personalized plan and individual objectives that he or she need to rich. All the team work in the same topic but with different activities and objectives. As the same time that they are doing their work, they also have a team plan and if they get all the objectives they get a reward.

About the investigation groups, we said that they have to choose one topic and develop it for a summarize and a presentation for the rest of the class and it ends with a evaluation among the teacher and the students. This technique is similar to the work with projects.

In this class we saw the multiple intelligences of Gadner. In his theory, all of us has one or more than one intelligence developed, and in the school we have to use this intelligences and develop them and the objectives that they suggest. As Gadner said, if we support this intelligences, our children can become more committed and competent. The intelligences are: linguistic and verbal, mathematic and logical, especial, musical, kinaesthetic, interpersonal, intrapersonal, naturalist and spiritual.

We also add in this class that the student need to be able of use different skills in an authentic way, once he or she has went ahead of the step of being fake and behave in a dishonest way. The role of the teacher is to be the scaffolding and the guide, since here, the pupil can receive advices, but the learning is made by his own and not by the teacher.

I didn’t have too many spectates with all presentations about the same topic, but now I know that I have learned with my mate’s works. 

lunes, 23 de febrero de 2015

Go deeply in the contents.

Last Tuesday the groups “the differents”, “rigatonis angels” and my group did the presentation about cooperative learning. In this lesson I have understood the reason of doing the same presentation in different groups. The first day, all my mates did the explanation about the main topic, but in this class what we did is some added explanations. We went deeply in some topics that they didn’t explained. At final, all our works are going to sum and to summarize all the contents to get a more explicit and deep knownledge. 
Some of this topics were 
The rules. In a cooperative classthe teacher has to be sure that all the students have understood the rules before start the workthe students have to respect each other and they have to have their commitments in mind. 
The philosophy in the cooperative learning. In this classall the students have the same importance than othersall of them have to be respected by others and all the activities have to include every student in the class, so the philosophy is a kind of inclusive and open mind. 
In almost all the groups we have include in our presentations the web questthis is a good material that is very useful in a classThe teacher give the students a web in with they are going to find the taskthe steps that they have to followthe pages on internet that they need to look up in and the guide of the evaluation that they are going to follow to make their evaluation and the one that the teacher is going to use.  
All the groups explained the jigsaw technique of cooperative learning class. It consist on dividing the class in different groups, each member has differents topics and they invest on them. Then they go to another group in which all the members has the same topic and they share their ideas about it. once they have complete their information they come back to the first group and they share all the ideas and they get a complete work. In my group we have find an example in which is mixed this technique with the peer tutoring one, this technique we have used it in the last semester in this same topic.

The Webquest.

  A Webquest is a website in which student can learn a different way, using new technologies, and safely.
 This activity is very interesting, and well used, is a great help to teachers, because students are more interested, it is a different way to learn, in which they from part of the class. With this I mean, the students is esential in the class, rather than the teachers, because these are those who take the role of books.

 The fuestes of information as¡re safe, as has chosen the professor, and this requires the student to develop, unconsciously, capabilities and the critical spirit, the selection of information, the extraction of ideas and arguments, to summarize... what is useful in dialy life, and an adult.

sábado, 21 de febrero de 2015

Final learning in cooperative learning.

I have already learnt something new about Teams-Game-Tournaments; it is not an individual competition, because is a cooperative way of learning so everybody has to improve in a common way. There is not just one prize, but different prizes to the different groups according to their behavior and their way of working, for example one prize for the most creative answers, another one if they conclude all together...

Using this method we are not acting in a competitive way, because we adapt the “game” in order to play it on a cooperative way.

Another input that has caught my attention is the methods of meeting of one of the groups, it is like a help from the rest of the class, and I think is a good idea to share those aspects which could be a help for the class. They have used “Skype” to meet between them and another program to make the exposition, which was so good, called “Prezi”.

I also think that evaluating with stars or other types of items, could be a good idea because at this way, there is not competitiveness among students, because items are qualitative, not quantitative, so its function is to improve individually (I mean, improving yourself to be the best of you), instead of competing to get a better mark than the partner.

That was an idea from the third group, and they also give us some examples of assessment tables, in which there was a detailed evaluation about all the members of the group, it work as a team and also their own work,with all the tasks, points...They were like the normal ones on a cooperative work, but also with different way of punctuation, like I have mentioned before, an in a more extensive method. By this way every member of the group can see step by step their improvements and developing through the classwork and also their aspects for their future improvement.

jueves, 19 de febrero de 2015

Freshly Presented: Cooperative Learning

In the last lesson we went on watching presentations about cooperative learning. Despite we all have the same topic, each group presented the same methodology from different point of views which is amazing. The first thing that I learned about the coopeartive learning from the presentations was that the main reason to apply copeartive learning in class is different academic levels. It might be a difficulty but we still do it despite the fact. and also thi thing that caught my attention was the fact that there should be one high level, two medium levels and one lower level student in a base group. In the presentation of "The Differents" if my memory serves me well, they mentioned the rules of working as a group. When a group is working in the classroom all the members should whisper and while somebody else is speaking they should be silent. I think this is the main challange when the method is applied because acording to my experiences this rule is not realistic.
We watched two videos one of which was about Peer-Tutoring and the other was about the Jigsaw method. Both videos were great examples. In peer tutoring the student in the role of pupil was asking and the other was responding. While the 'pupil' was learning by listening, the other was also learning better because she was telling the topic which fertilises learning more. In the other video with the Haribo Bears was both fun and illustrative. It was a good example of the application of Jigsaw in a class because in the real ones there is always noise from children and we cannot understand what the teacher says.
From the whole activity I have learned to work cooperatively. Not only have I had the chance to observe how the method is applied in a classroom from the teachers' perspective but also I experienced the difficulties from the view of the students. At first working cooperatively seemed to slow the process down but as we went on working together I realied that it made everything easier. I had the chance to observe the difficulties of the diversity and students' levels - English in our case- but those difficulties also promote helping each other more and socialization.

New aspects of cooperative learning

We can see that working in groups help us to work more quickly, share information with the members of the group, and help each other depending of the skills that they have. The different groups that compose this class, have made different works but based in the same theme, so we have learnt some things that we didn´t include in our presentation.
For example, we have to have a filosofical mind to do that everybody can work with cooperative learning, I mean, we have first to know all the characteristics about cooperative learning before explain others this kind of doing classes, and for practising it later.
 To work in a cooperative work, all members have to make all the task that they have to do, all the task that they have organised previously. Each member have to had some autonomy to do his individual work, in order to could explain this work to the rest, because the information must be worked to share it with the others, and if this doesn´t occurs, the group is broken.
There is also one thing that we can use to be the level of cooperation and the relationship between the members of the group: The Sociometric test. This test can help to do the reflection of the group at the time of the personal evaluation and the group evaluation. The respect and the relation of the members is a good factor to the development of the work, because in a good environment, all people works better, I think.
Yesterday, we saw also a video that explained the strategy of "Jigsaw" with a funny Haribo beers, and this video was very good to understand it, because ther are beers with different colours. Finally, one important thing that we didn´t say yesterday is that in the strategy of "Peer Tutoring", the roles of tutor- student must be interchanged, and they have been selected by the teacher, knowing previously their level. With all this, we have learned  more things that in the other semester we haven´t seen, and I think that there were more things to learn in this class.

miércoles, 18 de febrero de 2015

Something interesting about expositions.

A web quest is a web in which children can interact with the content and its activities and practises in a virtual way, so it could mean a change in their diary lives of homework, because it is not the usual way of learning, but nowadays, is becoming more popular and useful.

Expositions of the last day, give to me another example of web quests, where children can practice language in a funny way, because, for example, to analyse a poem, the exercise is described like a challenge, so children understand it like an adventure and they have a good time at the same time they are learning about the poem. This could be with lots of topics, so is so helpful, in order to break the routine, too.

The videos that our classmates showed us where so interesting, one video was about “Peer Tutoring”, in which there were two children studying a lesson, but one child was asking questions to the other, who was answering his doubts, so I think it was a good example of peer tutoring through the practise, because we can see how children can work at this way. As we know, one expert child teaches another one, and the roles could change through the classes.

The second video was about the “Jigsaw” method, this time it was represented on an easily way, with Jaribo sweets, so we can see step by step this technique, and also we can understand better how this method is developed in the class. I think it is a very good example of Jigsaw, we can see the experts groups at the beginning, then when they come to their based groups and share the information and learn from each other, etc.

martes, 17 de febrero de 2015

Role Kids. The cooperative learning.

We are making some presentations about cooperative learning and the last Thursday the role kids made the first. When they started I thought that the way of presenting was going to be different. The teacher was interrupting each member of the group to make questions. I think she did this for getting sure that all the content was clear and everything is understand in the well way. I also think that if the teacher is the one who decides who is going to explain each part, all the members are going to study everything instead of the our works in our previous studies. In those, you only studied your part and you don’t have any idea for the rest of the task. For this reason I prefer this new way because we can help each other and answer the possible questions among all of us.
I think this team has made a good job because everything was clear unless the concept of “disadvantages” that they use instead of difficulties. I think that is important to know wich difficulties we can find in a class in which we want to make cooperative learning and I agree with them. In the team guide I would add the equipment plan, because they have made a good plan for this work, but they don’t have explained it in the guide.
Despite the work is the same like us they have a different perspective and I have learned new things.

Role kids.

In last thusday, the students of "Role kids" group, have explained the cooperative learning for the rest of the class.
First of all, their exposition help me to complete my presentation and my knowledge. Thanks to this activity, all the students of the class can be share the information, ideas and the points of view of the topic. In the presentation, my partners talking about the "peer tutoring", and they clarified me some questions that i had of this activity of cooperative learning. Now I know that in peer tutoring, one of the child has to prepared a "teacher explanation" to must explain to him partner, that is, one of the kid help to him partner with the difficulties than him partner have. The partners must be heterogenous, that meaning that the teacher must make the partners with childrens with differents skills and habilities.
in my opinion, the most important of the paper of my partners, is that they made the webquest, and this is a plus point in the calification.

Power Point of cooperative learning.

lunes, 16 de febrero de 2015

Role Kids' Presentation

Last Thursday (12.2.15) our classmates presented the topic "Cooperative Learning". As we all studied the same topic I had already been familiar with the content but the flow of the presentation was not in a way that I expected.
First of all I did not know the details about the whole topic and my knowledge was not really clear. In the "group objectives" part, there was a conflict ın my mind because I did not exactly know the diffrences between the micro-tasks, objectives and the commitments.
In the classroom organization, I learned that it is better to locate the tables diagonally so that iı is easier to communicate and share information.
Thanks to the Role Kids I was informed about the difficulties of applying cooperative in real life. And also I did not know that in "Peer Tutoring" studenst are changing places in the next session.
The information I had, was not really clear about the techniques but they are clear now and about the techniques I learned that Jigsaw and investigation group can be applied together.

Essay about the last presentation

In the last class, our partners were presenting us a power point about cooperative learning ( The most incredible is that we are working in class this form of learning also). They explained us that cooperative learning is a new form of teach students to work in groups instead of the traditional form of teaching, because this new form helps them to develop skills and they learn all together.
To use cooperative learning in classes, the different groups have to make charts that explains who do the different rules and the hours that have made to work, etc; I mean, an organization chart, an evaluation chart, and a planning of equipment. We can work with cooperative learning using three types of groups ( three methods): base group, expert group and sporadic groups. In all of them, the diversity is very important, because no all students have the same level of learning and each one have different skills.

 There are some activities which we can work with the children, and the most interesting that they said was "Peer tutoring". In this activity, a child do like he was the teacher, and he has to explain to other the doughts that he has, but not only saying him the answer, he has to develop the explanation. The activity have to ve seen by the teacher, and they have to say adverts to the tutors. Previously, the teacher makes the pairs of tutors and students.

And another instrument that I see very interesting was the webquest, that is perfect to see the evolution of the children and it has all the information to work with it and evaluates then the work of the children.
In spite of the cooperative learning, we have just worked and studied also the first four months with different activities, so I had an idea of this. But with the presentation, I think that we learnt to not do the fails that our partners could made and also we can see that present some theme in public is always a hard thing.

jueves, 12 de febrero de 2015

"Role kids" exposition.

Today we have worked in an investigation group technique, in which a base group of students of our class have teached the rest about cooperative learning. The group was “Role kids”.

The presentation was about the cooperative learning, and I have understood almost everything, because the classmates have explained in a properly way, so it has been so easy to follow them.
I have learnt a few things, because I have studied the same topic as them, but with this type of work, I think you always learn from the other, so even with the same lesson on my mind, I have learnt some aspects that I did not understand before or I have not paid much attention to them.

These aspects are the following:

I did not know that another reason for the distribution of the class, in a diagonal way, was to prevent children not to turn their bodies every time they wanted to see each other or when a partner is talking aloud in class.

In "Peer Tutoring" I did not know exactly if the students with the role of teachers could change the role in the next class into student´s role. I thought that it will depend on whether the student has studied or known better the lesson, or it was easier for him to understand.

So after the presentation I realized that I was a little mistaken or confused in some ways, and using this method, everybody can correct their faults, improve their knowledge and learn from each other.

I found so interesting the web quest that they have done, because it has a lot of thing to do, task, introduction, process, evaluation, conclusion...everything that is needed to improve the development of the children, like a new way to do their homework or practice a little what they have learnt in class, or even a principal tool to follow the contents.

To sump up, in relation with how they have teach to us, I think they have done really good, because I have understand what they wanted us to know, maybe be there was a little problem with the advantages and disadvantages of cooperative learning, but it will be correct, so it does not matter. I also think that they could have asked to the rest of the class if we had any doubt or if we had understood the explanation, but the entire work has been a good work!