martes, 24 de marzo de 2015


 The differents.

In the first part of the video was a review about what is wrong in the daily school. They said that the teachers don’t motivate the children and they don’t believe in their capacities. There were some examples in which students didn’t were integrated.  Basically in this part, they explained that the society has change and the school has to adapt to this changes.
In the second part, they explained the special distribution of the school and also the classes. They explained that the classes need a spike distribution in which the teacher has to be in contact with the students and he or she has to be scaffolding for the pupils. They also add in their school green spaces in which students can share time. In the last part they show us a ideal PE lesson in which the students were the main characters of the learning and the teacher has the same importance as the pupils. They show us a very known song to teach the different parts of the human body and I have related this to the musical intelligence of the Gardner theory.

This video was really creative. I think that they had good ideas, they explained the school distribution as the same time that they were drawing it and it was so easy to follow. It was really funny and enjoyable and I think that they caught our attention really well.
What I liked more was the final part because if we think about it, we can get more ideas than a common practice class and it was really funny, they show that they are a cooperative group.


This group has a main part of the project in which they explain all the ideas about his ideal school. This group explained more ideas than the other, they emphasize the idea about inclusion, and they also explained the importance of the community of teachers in which all should take part and also the relation between teachers and parents. In their ideal educational system, the school would be important after the classes as a place of learning, meeting or sharing doubts and opinions, in this idea they also explained that the students could share time despite the ages. They talked about the topics that the other group explained but they add the autonomy of the students as a goal, the necessity of a flexible curriculum adaptable to the individual needs and the groupal ones.

It was creative because they use the futurama serie. I liked a lot the song that they did about the inclusion and I think that it was really creative, but it was with very low volume. Finally I think that they had a good idea changing the time of the story, the chapter was well selected.

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