In this presentation, the group Futupasta talks about teams-game torunament is competitive, and this isn´t a characteristic of cooperative learning, because it dosen´t develop the colaborate and cooperative values. But it isn´t necessary to remove this type of activites. In stead of this, we can change some little things of the activities, for example, we can change the points for a common present, no only for the group is wining. We must to reward the real learning and the real good behaviour with the schoolmate. In this case, we transform a competitive activity in to a cooperative activity. It´s neceassary that the teacher motivated the students, and imrpove their self-steeme. Other important point its that the teacher must show to the student the importance of colaborated and cooperatived with the other people, it´s so important that the children know the important of all, and that all are necessary to improve. For this, it´s importat to respect and keep in mind all the ideas of the partners, and help to the others.
In addition, this group talks about teams assisted individualization, a methology of cooperative learning that makes the individual work with a work in group. This meaning that each student of the group has a indvidual plan and objectives, but at the same time, all the members of the group have the same topic, with a common plan of the group, and put in common the objectives.
Other technique that Futupasta explain is the investigation groups. This consist in choose one topic and search information about it. Next, they do a summarize and a presentation for explain to their partners. This technique it´s so similar to work with projects.
In other way, they showed the theory of multiple intelligences, of Gadner. Whose said that all of us have more than one intelligence develop, and in the school is necessary that we improve this inteligences. Some examples of this intelligences are: linguistic, mathematics, spacial, musical... In relationship with this, it´s important that the children works in the school their habilities and capacities, and their intelligences. Besides, it´s important the role of the teacher, it said, the teacher must be only the guide, and the children are making their knowledge.
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