lunes, 16 de febrero de 2015

Essay about the last presentation

In the last class, our partners were presenting us a power point about cooperative learning ( The most incredible is that we are working in class this form of learning also). They explained us that cooperative learning is a new form of teach students to work in groups instead of the traditional form of teaching, because this new form helps them to develop skills and they learn all together.
To use cooperative learning in classes, the different groups have to make charts that explains who do the different rules and the hours that have made to work, etc; I mean, an organization chart, an evaluation chart, and a planning of equipment. We can work with cooperative learning using three types of groups ( three methods): base group, expert group and sporadic groups. In all of them, the diversity is very important, because no all students have the same level of learning and each one have different skills.

 There are some activities which we can work with the children, and the most interesting that they said was "Peer tutoring". In this activity, a child do like he was the teacher, and he has to explain to other the doughts that he has, but not only saying him the answer, he has to develop the explanation. The activity have to ve seen by the teacher, and they have to say adverts to the tutors. Previously, the teacher makes the pairs of tutors and students.

And another instrument that I see very interesting was the webquest, that is perfect to see the evolution of the children and it has all the information to work with it and evaluates then the work of the children.
In spite of the cooperative learning, we have just worked and studied also the first four months with different activities, so I had an idea of this. But with the presentation, I think that we learnt to not do the fails that our partners could made and also we can see that present some theme in public is always a hard thing.

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