viernes, 27 de febrero de 2015

Second day of expositions. This days exposed The Differents and La Banda del patio . In this essay, I can write some information.

First of all, The Differents didn`t know the difference between disadvantages and advantages. So everyone have to speak english more fluently.

Moreover, I knew that team bases only have a msxime of 5 people. The groups looked a lot of information in different ways, they put some examples and images, ine example what all class used is wbquest. It is very easy to use and it is comfortable where children learn and join.
Furtheremore, jiwsaw is a technique. Teacher does team base between 4-5 person. Teacher gives us subtopic. Each group is experted to one subtopic. Finally, everyone come back to first group and each child explained what have known.

To conclude, in the class of cooperative learning has a rules. These rules are : contribute, devote to the task ,help each other ,encourage each other, share, solve problems, give and accept feedback from parents.

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