martes, 17 de febrero de 2015

Role kids.

In last thusday, the students of "Role kids" group, have explained the cooperative learning for the rest of the class.
First of all, their exposition help me to complete my presentation and my knowledge. Thanks to this activity, all the students of the class can be share the information, ideas and the points of view of the topic. In the presentation, my partners talking about the "peer tutoring", and they clarified me some questions that i had of this activity of cooperative learning. Now I know that in peer tutoring, one of the child has to prepared a "teacher explanation" to must explain to him partner, that is, one of the kid help to him partner with the difficulties than him partner have. The partners must be heterogenous, that meaning that the teacher must make the partners with childrens with differents skills and habilities.
in my opinion, the most important of the paper of my partners, is that they made the webquest, and this is a plus point in the calification.

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