jueves, 12 de febrero de 2015

"Role kids" exposition.

Today we have worked in an investigation group technique, in which a base group of students of our class have teached the rest about cooperative learning. The group was “Role kids”.

The presentation was about the cooperative learning, and I have understood almost everything, because the classmates have explained in a properly way, so it has been so easy to follow them.
I have learnt a few things, because I have studied the same topic as them, but with this type of work, I think you always learn from the other, so even with the same lesson on my mind, I have learnt some aspects that I did not understand before or I have not paid much attention to them.

These aspects are the following:

I did not know that another reason for the distribution of the class, in a diagonal way, was to prevent children not to turn their bodies every time they wanted to see each other or when a partner is talking aloud in class.

In "Peer Tutoring" I did not know exactly if the students with the role of teachers could change the role in the next class into student´s role. I thought that it will depend on whether the student has studied or known better the lesson, or it was easier for him to understand.

So after the presentation I realized that I was a little mistaken or confused in some ways, and using this method, everybody can correct their faults, improve their knowledge and learn from each other.

I found so interesting the web quest that they have done, because it has a lot of thing to do, task, introduction, process, evaluation, conclusion...everything that is needed to improve the development of the children, like a new way to do their homework or practice a little what they have learnt in class, or even a principal tool to follow the contents.

To sump up, in relation with how they have teach to us, I think they have done really good, because I have understand what they wanted us to know, maybe be there was a little problem with the advantages and disadvantages of cooperative learning, but it will be correct, so it does not matter. I also think that they could have asked to the rest of the class if we had any doubt or if we had understood the explanation, but the entire work has been a good work!

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